How do I add a disk to a VG in an active Metrocluster ( CA/XP )

How do I add a disk to a VG in an active Metrocluster (CA/XP)?
# These items are as I used them on my system
# Substitute with your own values!!!!!!!!!
# dev_group : p01oms
# dev_name : p01oms_00, p01oms_01, p01oms_02 etc...

# Export the HORCM instance number you want to work with

->  export HORCMINST=200

1. Find spare disk
*** Hint: use xpinfo -i and raidscan -p -fx, pvdisplay and/or strings the lvmtab file 

2. pvcreate disk 

3. Add disk to /etc/horcm(?).conf on local system 
(Just follow the standard in the file) 

4. Add disk to /etc/horcm(?).conf on remote system 

5. Stop / start raidmanager (local and remote) 
(Note: This is to re-read the config file and does not affect the running packages or cluster) 

-> 200
-> 200 

7:  Check using pairdisplay -g xxxxx -fx (disks will show SMPL) 
->pairdisplay -g p01oms -fx | more 

8:  paircreate the new disks 
# Syntax: paircreate -g -vl -f -c

 -> paircreate -g p01oms p01oms_25 -vl -c 15 -f data
 -> paircreate -g p01oms p01oms_26 -vl -c 15 -f data 

9. Check the status with pairdisplay
->pairdisplay -g p01oms -fx # (Will show COPY) 

10. vgextend vg's on local host 

11. Do a pairsplit 
-> pairsplit -g p01oms -rw 

12. Create mapfile with vgexport -s -p on local host and rcp to remote host 

13. On remote host, vgexport, then vgimport 

14. Do a pairresync
 ->pairresync -g p01oms -c 15
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Business Copy Pair Status Conditions

Pair Status 
The following figure illustrates the Business Copy pair status transitions and the relationship between the pair status and the Business Copy operations. 

Figure Business Copy Pair Status Transitions 
1. If a volume is not assigned to a Business Copy pair, the volume's status is SMPL. 
2. Select the SMPL volumes for P-VOL and S-VOL to create a Business Copy pair. When you create a Business Copy pair, the initial copy operation starts. During the initial copy operation, the status of the P-VOL and S-VOL changes to COPY(PD). 
3. When the initial copy operation is complete, the pair status becomes PAIR. When the initial copy is completed, the differential data between the P-VOL and the S-VOL will be copied by the update copy. 
4. There are two kinds of pair status (PSUS and PSUE) when the pair is not synchronized. 
     • When you split a pair (pairsplit), the pair status changes to PSUS. During the pairsplit   process, the pair status becomes COPY(SP). If you specify Quick Split pairsplit, the pair status becomes PSUS(SP) during the process. When the pairsplit operation is complete, the pair status changes to PSUS to enable you to access the split S-VOL. The update copy operation is not performed on the pairs that have status PSUS. 
     • If the storage system cannot maintain PAIR status for any reason, or if you suspend the pair (pairsplit-E), the pair status changes to PSUE. 5. When you start a pairresync operation, the pair status changes to COPY(RS) or COPY(RS-R). When the pairresync operation is complete, the pair status changes to PAIR. 
     • When you specify Reverse Copy or Quick Restore mode for a pairresync operation, the pair status changes to COPY(RS-R). 
     • When you delete a pair (pairsplit-S), the status of the volumes that were used by the pair changes to SMPL. You cannot delete the pair that has status PSUS(SP). 

Business Copy Pair Status
The following table lists and describes the Business Copy pair status conditions.

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